
PT harmas jalesveva

Indonesia Head Real Estate Company


Company Name:PT harmas jalesveva

Industry Affiliation:developer (of real estate, a commercial product etc)

Main Business:South Jakarta, office condominiums, villa complexes shopping malls, supermarkets, ktv, golf courses, integrated large-scale complexes, involving business: commercial, residential real estate, bauxite, trade, hotels, film and television, tourism, agriculture, food and beverage, and now shopping malls, offices for rent.

Company Description:Indonesia's head real estate company (its listed companies) involved in commercial, residential real estate, bauxite, trade, hotels, film and television, agriculture, food and beverage, shopping malls, offices for rent, Indonesia's good political and business relations, to accept all the good ideas and good projects to cooperate and win-win.

Contact Person:LIN XI

Phone:China: 18750228708 Indonesia: 081399995866


Company Address:Google Map Search: one bel park mall one bel park shopping center

PT harmas jalesvevaPT harmas jalesveva

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