President Prabowo meets with eight Chinese business tycoons

President Prabowo hosted a banquet at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta in honor of eight major Chinese entrepreneurs, accompanied by State Secretary Ministers and Cabinet Secretaries. The eight entrepreneurs included Anthony Salim (Lim Fong Seng), Sugianto Kusuma (Kuok Reyuen), Prajogo Pangestu (Pang Yun Peng), Boy Thohir (Boy Thohir, brother of the Minister of State Enterprises), Franky Widjaja (Huang Rongnian), and Dato Sri Tahir (Dato' Ong Jun Min), James Riady (Li Bai), Tomy Winata (Kuo Say Fong) and others.The meeting served as an occasion for strategic discussions between the Government and the business community on the country's economic development and ongoing plans, where they discussed a range of strategic issues such as the Free Nutritious Meals Program, infrastructure development, strengthening the textile industry, and achieving food and energy self-sufficiency. Also industrialization and investment management through the Danantara Investment Management Agency (DIMA) became the main topic. Prabowo expressed appreciation for the role of entrepreneurs in supporting government policies, especially those related to the well-being of the population. The meeting reflected the government's efforts to establish close communication with the business community in order to ensure the country's economic stability, attract investment, create jobs and improve the competitiveness of domestic industry.