Indonesia simplifies import duties on eight categories of goods

The Indonesian government simplifies import tariffs for specific 8 categories of goods, which are currently simplified to 0%, 15% and 25%.The Director of the Import Division of the Technical Department of the General Administration of Customs of the Ministry of Finance said that the import tariff for goods valued at more than US$3 to US$1,500 is harmonized at 7.5%, but this does not apply to the eight categories of goods that have been identified. The tariff for the specific 8 categories of goods including scientific books remains at 0%; the tariffs for watches, cosmetics, steel, bags, textiles, footwear and similar products, and bicycles have been adjusted to 15% and 25%, respectively. customs officers do not need to look for specificHSencodingsIt is also easier for the recipient to calculate the tariff. The new policy is stipulated in Finance Minister's Regulation No. 4 of 2025, effective from March 5, 2025 onwards. Goods of specified commodities are also subject to income tax of TP3T 51, except books.