Indonesia Extends Import Safeguard Levy on Ceramic Floor Tiles


The Finance Minister has decided to continue the import safeguard duty (BMTP) on imported ceramic floor tile products for a period of two years.This policy was introduced in view of reports that the domestic industry had suffered severe losses due to increased imports of ceramic floor tile products.This was provided for in the Finance Minister's Regulation 2025, which had previously been implemented in the Finance Minister's Regulation 2021, but the levy period ended in 2024. The findings of the Trade Safeguards Committee indicate that the domestic industry is under serious threat of loss due to increased imports and needs more time to restructure, necessitating the extension of the safeguard duty on ceramic floor tile products.The BMTP is an additional levy on top of the most-favored-nation (MFN) tariffs and preferential tariffs based on international agreements, and applies to ceramic floor tiles with a maximum surface area that can be covered by a side of 7 centimeters or more in square form.The BMTP is a measure that can be applied to ceramic floor tiles with a maximum surface area of 7 centimeters or more in square form, products such as fireplace tiles and wall tiles, with exemptions for some products such as those in subheadings 6907.30 and 6907.40. The duty rate is 12.721 TP3T for the first year and 12.441 TP3T for the second year. levied on ceramic floor tile products imported from all countries except the 124 countries listed in Annex B, which include Brazil, Israel, and Cambodia. Importers must submit documents certifying the origin of ceramic floor tile products from exempted countries. The policy will take effect seven working days after the date of promulgation on February 18, 2025, i.e., from February 26 to 27, 2025 onwards.


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