Process of Registering NPWP in Indonesia's New Tax System


Individuals and entities that meet certain tax liability criteria in Indonesia are required to register for a Taxpayer Identification Number NPWP. The Directorate General of Taxation officially launched the coretax system on January 1, and the following is the process for registering for an NPWP through this system:First of all, click on the link coretaxdjp.pajak.go.id to enter the website, in the Portal Wajib Pajak select New Registration /pendaftaran baru, select the taxable status that you want to register, select the corresponding answer to the question "Are you a taxable person with an ID number? "If you want to register NPWP with NIK, choose Aktivasi NIK/NIK Activation, otherwise choose Hanya Registrasi/Only Registration, fill in the personal identification information in Detail Identitas Wajib Pajak, including name and birth date. Identity information including name, place and date of birth, gender and marital status. In Detail Kontak Wajib Pajak, fill in the valid phone number or email address, complete the verification by filling in the verification code, and then upload the relevant information for submission.

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