Indonesian government proposes to ban internet celebrities from arbitrarily reviewing food, medicine and cosmetics


The Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) says it is working on regulations to regulate food, drug and cosmetic review bloggers in response to concerns from Congressional Committee 9 about blogger conflicts in the beauty space.According to the head of BPOM, bloggers are prohibited from publishing the results of their evaluations because they are not authorized to do so, and this is a self-adjudicated act. It is fine if the assessment is only for oneself or one's community, but the results cannot be published, only BPOM has the right to publish them. They are preparing an academic basis for the regulation, after which they will hold a hearing and harmonize it with existing regulations, including health-related laws and presidential directives. Previously BPOM had called bloggers in the beauty field for reconciliation, and the head of the organization said that he understood the good intention of bloggers to check and evaluate cosmetics to alert the public, but acting on their own could lead to other problems, such as lawsuits filed by the evaluated party who did not accept them. Meanwhile, BPOM will also organize activities to support innovation in the food and pharmaceutical sectors and take breakthrough measures to improve the quality of food processing SMEs.


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