Specifics of the six major nickel mines in Indonesia


According to Indonesia's National Minerals and Coal Management Plan 2022-2027, Indonesia's total nickel reserves and production are the world's largest, with available nickel resources accounting for global reserves of 23% and production of 29%. Indonesia has a number of large-scale nickel mines:Blok Sorowako in South Sulawesi covers 70,566 hectares and is managed by PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, producing high grade nickel ore; Weda Bay Nickel in North Maluku covers 54,874 hectares, with the majority of the shares held by China's Castle Peak and France's Ehman; Pulau Gag in West Papua, with a contract of work and IPPKH covering a total of 13,739.25 hectares, held by PT Gag Nickel; Tambang Kawasi, North Maluku, with an area of approximately 2,247 hectares and remaining nickel ore reserves of approximately 84.51 million tons at the end of 2022; Deposit Asera, Southeast Sulawesi, with an area of 2,000 hectares, production of 23,720 tons in 2022, and 16 million tons of reserves; Sulawesi Tambang Bahoomoahi in central Sulawesi has an area of about 1,400 hectares with a resource reserve of about 14 million tons and a potential of 13 million tons.

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