Indonesia's Manpower Minister Appreciates Chinese Companies' Compliance with Indonesian Regulations

The Minister of Manpower (Menaker) expressed her appreciation for Huawei's compliance with applicable regulations over the 24 years it has been operating in Indonesia, a message she conveyed during her recent meeting with Huawei's President of Global Government Affairs in Shenzhen, China.This performance can be seen in one of Huawei's Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR), which is to employ local Indonesian employees above 90%, who are the best graduates from Indonesian universities. Huawei also plays an active role in providing skills and competency enhancement based on industry standards. In addition to this, during a meeting with the President of Huawei's Global Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Human Resources Department, she expressed her appreciation for Huawei's consistent commitment and cooperation in both the public and private sectors. The significant contribution of this enterprise plays a very important role in advancing the environment, health and safety (EHS) ecosystem in Indonesia.

Huawei is one of the major Information Communication Technology (ICT) companies in China with presence in many countries including Indonesia. During the event, the Minister of Manpower also called on Huawei's Executive Head of Global Technical Services, praising Huawei Indonesia's EHS principles of " Think Safe, Work Safe, Home Safe", which is very much in line with the objectives of the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker). These EHS principles embody a holistic approach to safety, encouraging proactive thinking, strict safety practices in the workplace, and extending these safety measures into everyday life. By practicing these values, companies can work together to overcome challenges and create a sustainable and resilient EHS ecosystem.

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