Indonesia's plan to impose 200% tariffs on Chinese imports still under discussion


The Director General of the Fiscal Policy Bureau of the Ministry of Finance has said that the government is still discussing the imposition of higher import tariffs on various products from China. Asked about the discussion on imposing 200% import tariffs on Chinese products, he said it was still under discussion with the relevant ministries, namely the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) and the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag).Discussions on higher import tariffs on Chinese products need to be considered by all sectors together, especially the Ministry of Industry which believes that it must be considered from upstream to downstream. Products such as fibers and textiles from China are flooding the Indonesian market, which also has an impact on the domestic industry that produces similar products, and in some cases it can be shown that they are being sold through dumping.

So currently the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is discussing with the Ministries of Industry and Trade the imposition of tariffs on products from China, although he did not mention the tariffs that might be imposed, including the import tariff scheme of 200%. The government will soon decide whether to translate this into agreed tariffs, a scheme that is regulated by higher anti-dumping import duties (BMAD) or safeguard import duties (BMTP) on Chinese products. This comes after the Trade Minister (Mendag) said that the government would impose import tariffs of up to 200% on Chinese imports that have flooded the Indonesian market, a policy they will implement in response to the issue of the US-China trade war. Some of the imports including garments, steel, textiles, etc. are flooding into the Indonesian market because of the rejection of these Chinese products by the markets of western countries.

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